(Lasioderma serricorne and Stegobium paniceum)
  These beetles are native to tropical parts of the world and can survive in the United States only in warm buildings (65°F and up). These pests feed on and reproduce in foods and spices. They may also feed on wool, leather, paper, drugs, and other household items. When infested products are brought into the home, the beetles can invade nearby uncontaminated foods that are kept in unsealed, broken, or flimsy containers. They may also chew through sealed paper containers.
Remove and destroy all infested foods. Clean out cupboards thoroughly before restocking. If the infestation is widespread, remove all food items and spray shelves and cracks with an insecticide containing malathion or rotenone. Let the spray dry before replacing food. Keep foods and spices in air-tight glass, metal, or plastic containers. Refrigerate food kept in paper packages. Do not purchase items in broken or unsealed packages; they are more likely to be infested.